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A Introduction To DevTreks

2020 Whats New In DevTreks
Social budgeting improves lives and livelihoods.This text file (10 KB) holds a brief summary of current events in DevTreks. It's updated about one time each month. Please refresh your browser after opening this text file. The resource was saved successfully on: 10/22/2020 8:57:20 PM
DevTreks Logo
This image shows the DevTreks logo and brand.
This image shows the DevTreks logo and brand. Variants of the solar compass have been used for centuries to measure time and day. These early efforts at measurement continue to evolve. The resource was saved successfully on: 6/20/2018 7:33:51 PM
Featured Reference, CTA-Prevention
This reference (7.6 MB) demonstrates how to complete CTAPs.CTA-Prevention (CTAP) is the numeric assessment of the costs and benefits of a portfolio of mitigation and adaptation interventions that prevent or correct resource stock damages. Assessments use relevant Conservation Technology Assessment (CTA) algorithms to quantify the risk and uncertainty associated with resource stock measurement and valuation. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/19/2018 9:24:55 PM
Featured Video - Performance Analysis
This video (ZIP: 26.8 MB, MP4: 27.3; 6:56) is the 1st of a two part video tutorial found in the Performance Analysis tutorial. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/20/2018 5:04:07 PM
Featured Reference -Source Code
This pdf file (487 KB) explains how to use the DevTreks source code. It reviews 2.2.0. The resource was saved successfully on: 3/25/2020 12:34:32 AM
Featured Reference - Social Performance Analysis 2
Firms and public entities use Social Performance Measures (8.2 MB) in a Resource Conservation Accounting Value framework as background evidence, or materiality, to support corporate and public sector financial reporting claims about conserving scarce resources. As another example of “doing it right”, interpret the following question: “Other than institutional factors, is there any technical reason that Social Performance Measures can’t be completed online, stored uniformly online, and easily accessed online by people and machines, for every company and government entity in the world?”. After all, if an investment rating company with a few hundred employees can complete E.S.G. ratings for thousands of companies, what can online social networks and their clubs accomplish? The resource was saved successfully on: 3/26/2020 9:47:58 PM
Featured Video - Sustainable Goal Planning 1
This video (ZIP: 17.4; MP4: 17.8 MB; 4:46) is the 1st of a 3 part tutorial explaining Sustainable Goal Planning. The resource was saved successfully on: 3/28/2019 10:07:18 PM
Featured Reference -Social Performance Analysis 3
This pdf file (11.9 MB) reviews Version 2.1.6. This release focuses on sustainability, disaster risk management, consequential digital activism, deprecating microeconomics, next generation jobs, and the quest for meaningful lives. As mentioned or implied throughout this tutorial, given that the conventional institutions in some countries appear incapable of understanding, let alone ameliorating, these conditions, networks and clubs may need to take independent action. The resource was saved successfully on: 3/27/2019 11:19:40 PM
Featured Video- Health Care Analysis
This video (ZIP: 19.9; MP4: 20.3 MB; 4:59) is the 2nd of a 3 part tutorial explaining health care analysis The resource was saved successfully on: 12/5/2019 8:39:30 PM
Latest Reference - SDG Plans
This pdf, SDG Plans, (9.8 MB) reviews version 2.2.0. In summary, a uniform sustainability score for communities, products, organizations, and households, derives from basic social budgeting approaches applied on social sustainability media platforms. The resource was saved successfully on: 3/23/2020 9:02:19 PM
Featured Video - Sustainable Goal Planning 3
This video (ZIP: 17.5; MP4: 17.9 MB; 4:18) is the 3rd of a 3 part tutorial explaining Sustainable Goal Planning. The resource was saved successfully on: 4/1/2020 8:34:12 PM

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